
The Promised Goodies

If you've come here, it means you've found enough value in Oh Snap! to look for more. You're here to get the freebies that I offered in several places throughout the book. You're in the right place. 

Recording a Bartering Transaction

Home Office Deduction Calculator

Bare Minimum Tax Spreadsheet

Even though it is fairly common to ignore a barter transaction in the financial records, there is a specific way to record one. Using this method will provide you with protection, should the tax man come knocking at your door (which is always the best choice.

The IRS has provided 2 distinct ways to take a home office deduction - the Allocation Method and the Simple Method. This spreadsheet will allow you to figure out which method is the most beneficial for you. After all, who wants to leave money on the table for the government to keep, right?

This spreadsheet gives you the tools to track the minimum necessary information for your business. If you do not feel like you are ready for an accounting software package, and you also do not want to hire a CPA, then this is a great option to help you prepare your financial books for the tax season.

Right click and select "Save link as..." or "Save target as..." to download this file.

If you have any questions about these tools or would like to share your thoughts about it, you can always get in touch with us here

We Have a Newsletter for Small Business Owners and Creative Entrepreneurs

If the practical information you learned in my book was useful for you, then you should also consider receiving my small business newsletter. About once a month, I will send you an article that is pinpointed in relevance you as a creative entrepreneur. We talk about topics like:

  • How recent tax legislation impacts your business today, and tomorrow
  • chevron-circle-right
    Steps you can take today to prepare for your taxes, no matter what month it is
  • When it makes sense to have an sole proprietorship, an LLC, a general partnership, or an S-Corp
  • The best way to track inventory based on the size and type of business you're operating

If these topics sound meaningful and useful for you, then click the button below and get started today!